Best Online Golf Lessons

Have you ever come across the news of amateur golfers taking online lessons and finding success? Even though online classes are considered by many to be the poor version of something real, this is not the case everywhere. At the core of any success story lies the combined efforts of the coach and the student, both with the right attitude and dedication to better themselves. In case you are wondering whether you should wade into the world id online golf lessons, you are in for some luck.

There are tons of reputed online golf lessons available to help you get started. Here, we have compiled the best online golf classes that will teach you everything about the game without having to leave the comfort of your boundaries.


The USP of these online golf lessons lies in helping the learners improve their swing distance. Any golfer would agree that no matter how much you practice for perfecting the swing, you would also want to go the distance. Although the skill is quite tricky, it’s also difficult for the coach to teach. Designed by Jacob Bowden, Swingman Golf is a brilliant online golf course featuring e-books, pictures, and instructional videos. These essential learning tools make the lessons palpable for the students regardless of their learning styles.


She is one of the most celebrated woman golf instructors and if you are looking for a place to start then her Instagram handle will serve the purpose. She presents swing videos daily along with tips and tricks for you to learn. According to Trillium Rose, three competency areas need to be sharpened for the improvement of your game: mechanics, aggressive practice, and of course, the play. If you are a golfer whose philosophy matches Rose, then your search for online golf classes ends here.


Are you one of those golfers who love watching swing videos and learning by observing the experts play? Rick Shiels uploads tons of swing help videos on his YouTube channel which currently has more than 470,000 subscribers. His channel is not just overflowing with swing videos but you find guidance about almost everything. It starts from how you can finish your accurate position with each club and ranges to how you can build a slice with a driver. And to add to all these elements, you will also find good humor in his way of teaching.


Those looking for a modern golf instructor online will definitely find him in George Gankas. Above everything else, he will teach you to be a fast player and, surprisingly, some of his students have an average swing speed of 130mph. What makes him stand out in the world of online golf coaches is his humble attitude and fun personality. That’s the reason you see more than 134,000 followers on his Instagram handle. Akshay Bhatia, the number one junior in the world received coaching from Gankas and could make his first PGA debut when he was just 17 years.


Based out of Baltimore, Joe is one of the best golf coaches giving lessons online. He has designed an app titled ??Swing Index’ where anybody is free to sign up for uploading their swing videos. Joe will review the video and offer a slew of lessons that will assist you in improving your swing mechanics by following his tips. The packages for the online golf lessons start at $29 which means they are just an amazing deal for those searching for some reliable golf advice.


The list of world-class golf instructors doesn’t have an end and Chuck Quinton is one of the most dedicated golf masters out there. He founded Rotary Swing along with the concept by the very name. This golf learning program is built around the swing philosophy and you will come across several drill-based practices. He has crafted a well-established program that houses more than 350,000 golfers from across the world.

Apart from running Rotary Swing, he also gives free YouTube instruction videos for those who are not ready to shell out money for learning the game. Another important advantage of taking his classes is that golfers can also learn how to bring down chances of injuries through proper swing techniques.


Designed by Monte Scheinblub, the world-famous long-drive champion, Rebellion Golf is designed for those who want one-on-one coaching. His YouTube channel gives insight into various tricks of the game and answers some critical questions. His approach is an all-around comprehensive guide to golf best suited for those players who want to improve some particular aspects of the swing. In the online course, you will receive suggestions and assessments on how you can better your swing through a wide array of formatted lessons.


Another golfing enthusiast and dedicated golf influencer, Shawn Clement has a YouTube channel dedicated to teaching the game online. His experience in the field spans through more than three decades and by following his lessons you will have control over natural swing without any overthinking or fear of making mistakes. No matter whether you are a seasoned player or have just started developing a likeness for golf, Shawn Clement’s online classes have something unique to offer you. The best part of his teaching lies in the fact that you get to learn everything in an engaging yet relaxing way.


In traditional golf lessons, learners are generally lined one after the other. And this makes the process time-bound and pushes the coaches to decide on certain aspects as soon as the learner walks through the door. On the flip side, the asynchronous disposition of online lessons implies that the teachers can take their time and measure their assessments.

As you submit a swing, you might not get an instant review but when you get it in your online golf classes, you can trust it to be concise and flawless. So what are you waiting for? Try your golfing skills in any of the top online golf lessons and integrate them at your own pace and comfort.