How Many Golf Clubs Make A Set and What Is Each Club Used For?

This article will briefly describe the steps to building a golf set and what each club is used for. The article begins with the different types of clubs that make up a complete golf set and then shows how each club is used when playing golf. There are many different sets of clubs that vary in price. However, this article will focus on the most basic type. The novice golfer will need this set, usually sold as a beginner’s set. Some golfers may decide to upgrade their clubs later on, but these sets will be enough for personal use. Golf is an expensive sport; however, proper care and maintenance of your clubs can last a lifetime.

What Type Of Clubs Are In A Set?

The standard golf set has four clubs: driver, fairway wood, hybrid and wedge. These clubs are also known as the driver, sand wedge, irons and putter in different countries and courses. The driver and fairway wood is the modern-day version of the original clubs played by ancient Scotland players. These two clubs make hitting the ball much easier but require more skill. They typically have a giant head than their more traditional counterparts due to their size being increased to make hitting it farther from the tee.

The hybrid is a newer addition to many golfers’ bags and is essentially a mixture between an iron and fairway wood but with a higher loft. The standard set has a nine-iron and a pitching wedge; however, many sets have a sand wedge instead. The putter is the final club in the set and is usually only used for putting. However, some people also use it for chipping. The modern golf ball is almost as hard as a rock, so hitting it from the tee with any club other than a driver will lead to an under-par round.

How To Use Each Club

What each club is designed for and how to use it properly will be explained here. The driver is used to hit the ball into the air. When playing golf, the aim is to get the ball to land on a green and roll into a hole. Hitting it high in the air allows players to get more distance between their ball and the hole. It is a large club with a big head that allows for more power and greater distance; however, it requires more skill when swinging as it has a large sweet spot.

The fairway wood impacts the ball at an angle from its face instead of from its edge like an iron. This allows greater forgiveness and ease when hitting the ball. The club’s loft determines how far it will go and what part of the ball it will hit, such as its top or bottom. A fairway wood should never be used when it is just a few feet away from the tee because it can cause an under or over hit on the ball, but it can be used in various places on a golf course to help get straight shots and reduce risk. The irons hit the ball from very close to the green.

They are a more advanced club since they require greater technique, but they can be used for putting and chipping. The hybrid is a putter for short holes where a par is needed to get the hole. It does not require much skill; however, it will cause a lot of damage if hit into trees, making it best suited for use near or around holes on which par is necessary or common. The sand wedge plays shots on the sand, where the ball can be bounced on each shot. The putter is used to deaden the ball in the air like a putter and should not be used like a normal putt because it will land unevenly.

Differences Between Each Club

Each club has a different look, and many have slight differences that can make it easier or harder to use. The driver has a huge, long head that makes hitting it extremely hard but allows for a great distance. Fairway Woods have a tiny head for precision and accuracy but less distance. The hybrid uses the same shaft as an iron and fairway wood but has a different iron-like head. The irons are a standard size that most golfers use. However, they are heavier than most modern putters. They have more of the metal in their heads, so they hit the ball harder than their counterparts. Putters have a smaller head than an iron or fairway wood and are meant to be used as a putting club. Sand wedges are a lengthier club with a large head to help play shots on the sand.

Different Types of Golf Sets

Many different types of sets can be bought depending on the golfer’s needs. They have been designed for various purposes and can be created from scratch or bought in-store. It is ideal for beginners to begin with the most essential golf club set possible and build up from there when they are ready to upgrade. The cheaper sets are usually only a dozen clubs and start out with a driver, fairway wood, hybrid and wedge. There are also some high-end sets that come with a driver, 2 fairway kinds of wood, 3 hybrid and 3 wedges. The beginner’s set is sold at most golf shops that cater to beginners allowing them to pick clubs they will be comfortable with and have an easier time learning the game. These types of sets tend to be very inexpensive compared to high-end options.


A complete golf set will be needed to begin playing this great game. Many clubs are standard and will be needed to play the game. However, people can also build up their collection as they see fit over time. The basic club set that is sold at most golf stores and can be bought online is perfect for beginners, but a player can buy many more sets if they want more out of their experience.